Founded in 1886 in Austria, Raiffeisen Bank stands for security and stability.
Ranked in TIER 1 for performance, Raiffeisen Bank is present in 25 countries and benefits of an advanced online banking platform that will facilitate you in taking control of your assets wherever you are in the world.

Opening a bank account in Kosovo is a straightforward process. Depending on your company structure, you might have to attend in person or you
can delegate a representative through an apostilled notary act. Whether you appoint a local director or delegate, you will be the sole individual with
full control over transactions that must be approved via the internet banking.
Kosovo Invest will assist you in providing all the correct documentation, including utility bills and the rental contract of your business registered address.
1. Business Registration Certificate
2. Passport and National ID with address
3. Proof of address in Kosovo (e.g. utility
bill linked to your rental contract)*
1. Business Certificate
4. Notary Delegation*
5. Article of Association (sole owner)